Pocket Rails Mayfair Games Board Games
4.99 $4.99
Near Mint Board Game
EVO Merchant:
Mayfair Games
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DescriptionA Fast Card Game for 2-4 players By Mike Elliott.Players draft Rail Road Shares into their Portfolio as well as the Rail Yard for everyone to score.Each player has a hand of 8 cards featuring a city, company, and good (in a 4 player game a hand is 6 cards).Each player selects one card to place face up in their Portfolio (directly in front of them) and one card to place face up in the Rail Yard (center of the table).All players simultaneously reveals these cards and sorts them into Companies (colors) for ease of viewing.
Dimensions6" H x 5" W x 5" D
Ship Weight1 pounds
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4.99 $4.99
Near Mint Board Game
EVO Merchant:
Mayfair Games
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